Koln Studio. From Madrid. 31 May 2023 Evasèe /2022/01/18/Koln-Studio /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2023/05/evasee-kolnstudio-723571.jpg Typography Graphic Design Illustration Typography Graphic Design Illustration
2x4 From NYC. 13 Abr 2023 Evasèe /2023/04/13/2x4 /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2023/04/evasee-2x4-1004-cover61311.jpg Web Design Graphic Design Branding & Identity Web Design Graphic Design Branding & Identity
The Company You Keep. From Collingwood, Australia. 14 Mar 2023 Evasèe /2023/02/22/The-Company-You-Keep /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2023/03/evasee-tcyk-20099741.jpg Graphic Design Food and Beverage Branding & Identity Design Web Design Graphic Design Food and Beverage Branding & Identity Design Web Design
Estudio Mendue. From the centre of Madrid. 18 Feb 2023 Evasèe /2023/02/14/Estudio-Mendue /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2023/02/evasee-estudiomendue-cover89518.jpg Fashion Graphic Design Branding & Identity Web Design Fashion Graphic Design Branding & Identity Web Design
A.side-B.side. A small, ongoing collection of vinyl packaging design from the shelves of Alina Skyson and Ben Playford. 16 Ene 2023 Evasèe /2022/08/24/Aside-Bside /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2023/01/a-side-evasee-00291394.jpg Illustration Photography Graphic Design Illustration Photography Graphic Design
Dutch Scot. From Scotland. 17 Dic 2022 Evasèe /2022/08/24/Dutch-Scot /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2022/12/evasee-dutchscot-7494144.jpg Web Design Graphic Design Branding & Identity Web Design Graphic Design Branding & Identity
Christopher Doyle. From Sidney. 14 Dic 2022 Evasèe /2022/08/24/Christopher-Doyle /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2022/12/evasee-christopher-doyle-11624865.jpg Branding & Identity Graphic Design Design Web Design Branding & Identity Graphic Design Design Web Design
Kronecker Wallis. Scientific books. 28 Oct 2021 Evasèe /2021/10/28/Kronecker-Wallis /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2021/10/evasee-kronecker-wallis-0019c15089.jpg Graphic Design Shop Design Graphic Design Shop Design
Stan Hema. Brand Agency Berlin. 15 Sep 2021 Evasèe /2021/09/15/Stan-Hema /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2021/09/evasee-sh-01295766.jpg Branding & Identity Graphic Design Branding & Identity Graphic Design
25ah. New works. 30 Ago 2021 Evasèe /2021/08/30/25ah /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2021/08/evasee-25ah-00589642.jpg Graphic Design Food and Beverage Branding & Identity Graphic Design Food and Beverage Branding & Identity
Sociedad Anónima. New works. 17 Ago 2021 Evasèe /2020/11/12/Sociedad-Anonima /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2021/08/evasee-sociedad-anonima-001221952.jpg Food and Beverage Graphic Design Branding & Identity Food and Beverage Graphic Design Branding & Identity
Bleed Studio. New works. 19 Jul 2021 Evasèe /2021/04/07/Bleed-Studio /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2021/07/evasee-bleed-00677670.jpg Motion Graphics Graphic Design Branding & Identity Web Design Motion Graphics Graphic Design Branding & Identity Web Design
Gina Serret. Calligraphy, Lettering & Type Design. 26 Mar 2021 Evasèe /2021/03/24/Gina-Serret /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2021/03/gina-serret-evasee-111826206.jpg Graphic Design Typography Graphic Design Typography
Made Thought. From London. 27 Ene 2021 Evasèe /2020/11/10/Made-Thought /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2021/02/evasee-madethought-hh1045253.jpg Web Design Graphic Design Branding & Identity Fashion Web Design Graphic Design Branding & Identity Fashion
Mr. Rocholl. From Frankfurt/Main. 13 Ene 2021 Evasèe /2020/12/01/Mr-Rocholl /files/resize/500x320_crop/files/images/2021/01/evasee-rocholl-014c2702.jpg Photography Graphic Design Photography Graphic Design