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Seon Ghi Bahk sculptures.

Cascading Sculptures Created Out Of Charcoal.


El artista Sur Coreano Seon Ghi Bahk es un artista experto en el método de crear prodigiosas esculturas con carbón, colgando de manera precisa y bella cada una de las piezas para formar increíbles instalaciones. Via Beautiful Decay.

South Korean artist Seon Ghi Bahk is an expert at this method. Using charcoal and other natural materials en masse to form familiar objects, Bahk reminds of us the connection between man-made goods and their source. Precision is absolute, meticulously hanging large groups of charcoal at specific heights to collectively echo architectural and building elements, such as stairs, columns, shelves and planters. Via Beautiful Decay.

What's your opinion, dude.