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Science Werk.

From Indonesia.

Graphic Design, Web Design

Sciencewerk® es un maravilloso estudio de Indonesia que desde 2011 nos deleitan la vista y el sentido del gusto con sus maravillosos trabajos de identidad, impresión, diseño web, diseño corporativo así como proyectos personales. Nos encantan tambien por que saben mezclar como pocos su uso del diseño digital junto con el de las artes más manuales o tradicionales.

Sciencewerk® (est. 2011) is a magnificent independent design studio based in Indonesia. They create identity design, websites, prints, objects for corporate clients, organizations, individual, and self initiative project... And they mix in a magnificent way both digital and traditional craft...

What's your opinion, dude.
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Shiver me timbers, them's some great information.
I am never the less reminded of the line from Jurassic Park: "The problem with the power that you're using here: it didn't require any discipline to attain it. You are so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn't stop to think if you should. "Damn. Never thought I would get knocked over by a Jurassic Park quote, but there you have it.I still think a few more asswhoopings wouldn't be out of order for some of these kids, though.
BS low - rationality high! Really good answer!