Merde! Petit Metre.
Identité | Peur | Temps | Surface | Vanité | Puissance | Obscurité...
Fashion, Architecture, Photography, DecoUn delicioso e inspiracional paseo visual... Merde! Petit-Maitre.
A delicious an inspirational visual trip... Merde! Petit-Maitre.
What's your opinion, dude.
看了其中一段 或者 Tetley's 也可以用 RAS 的 簡化版 解釋 I'm no expert but I think it has to do with pagnrrmmiog your reticular activating system (RAS). I'm simplifying here, but this is an example of your RAS at work: suppose you just bought a new car and you are driving down the highway. Suddenly you notice more cars of the same brand, type and color as your new car than you've ever noticed before. This is your RAS working; your focus and attention is subconsciously on the type of car that you've been thinking and reading about for months before buying it. Another example: you are, once again subconsciously, using your RAS when you are skipping through articles in a newspaper, or your RSS feeds, scanning for specific keywords that spark your interest. If your mind is on the subject of GTD for instance, all of a sudden you will notice more articles or posts about this subject than ever before. Your RAS is a useful tool for focusing your mind and effectively filtering the essence from all visual and auditory inputs.