Julien Douvier.
Video, Motion GraphicsSeguro que sabéis lo mucho que nos gustan los cinemagraphs y sus posibilidades. Bien, pues hoy os queremos recomendar a un estupendo artista usando esta técnica, su nombre es Julien Douvier y es de Estrasburgo, Francia. Tambien os recomendamos que echéis un vistazo a su tumblr, su vimeo, su Behance y su Cargo Collective.
You really know how much we love cinemagraphs and the possibilities of this technique... Well today we like to talk about one of the best artists we know creating this little wonders. His name is Julien Douvier and he is from Strasbourg in France. We also recommend to check his process and work in his tumblr, his vimeo, his Behance and his Cargo Collective.
What's your opinion, dude.