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Carrie Can.

Interior and Deco.

Deco, Design

Ella transformó sus "no se puede" en "se puede", y sus sueños en planes. – Kobi Yamad. Carrie Can blog

She turned her can’ts into cans, and her dreams into plans. – Kobi Yamad. Carrie Can blog

What's your opinion, dude.
July 24, 2012Hi Carrie,Love the blog I'm definitely one for tnyirg new things all of the time.If you're a keen entrepreneur, why not start a new business in 30 days? (31 with my challenge, but still!) It's easy with an online business because my step-by-step approach makes the job so simple and after the 30 days (investing just 30 minutes per day), you will only need to put in 2 hours per week to earn great money from your online business!Check it out: .31days2.comHannah
"I myself haven’t been able to sleep since returning from the front, haunted by memories of old people and drag queens beating each other to death in the street while chicken sandwich mortar fire rained down like death from above all around them. And pickles — so many pickles."That's blogging gold right there.You're summation of sides listening to each other is spot on. They may not agree...but at least they're taking the bold step of reaching out. Good for them.