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the official manufacturing company


* The Official Manufacturing Company is Mathew Foster, Fritz Mesenbrink & Jeremy Pelley. We are thing makers. After having separately worked for some years at Wieden+Kennedy and Ace Hotel, then out on our own freelancing, we wound up in a studio together and realized how much better it could be.

Sencillamente prodigiosos estos 3 genios, ¡prodigiosos!!!

* The Official Manufacturing Company is Mathew Foster, Fritz Mesenbrink & Jeremy Pelley. We are thing makers. After having separately worked for some years at Wieden+Kennedy and Ace Hotel, then out on our own freelancing, we wound up in a studio together and realized how much better it could be.

Simply perfect!!!!!!!

What's your opinion, dude.
en mi opinión..los mejores que has colgado en todo el 2010, y no digo que el resto fuesen malos, pero es que estos SE SALEN, son la envidia pura, ufffff, voy a hiperventilarme un poco , vale??
Opino lo mismo, son treemeeeeendos!!!

Puff.. excelente trabajo