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typography shop

Design, Photography, Illustration

* "Pintor, diseñador, propietario de TypographyShop. Al finalizar el día lo que más me gusta y apetece es tocar la guitarra.

Acabo de crear un grupo en flickr, Typographic T-Shirts. Donde podréis encontrar grandes ejemplos de tipografías y todo bastante ordenado.

Mis influencias son una mezcla de tipografías clásicas y ejemplos de impresiones efímeras, TypographyShop t-shirts, y diseños hechos por mi estudio, The King Group y a veces fotografías más personales.

Echa un vistazo a nuestras nuevas camisetas: y visita nuestro grupo de compradores:TypographyShop Tees."

* "Painter, Designer, proprietor of TypographyShop. At the end of the day I'd rather be playing guitar.

I've just created a new group, Typographic T-Shirts. There are so many great examples out there.

My stream is a mishmash of typographic and printed ephemera, TypographyShop t-shirts. design by my firm, The King Group and eventually more personal photography.

Make sure to come see our new outfit: and visit our group of buyers in shirts: TypographyShop Tees."

What's your opinion, dude.
Interesante el post, lo encontre por casualidad pero ahora voy a dar una vuelta por los posts anteriores, gracias.
Thanks much for featuring me - us here. TypographyShop is my flickr name, but the links and the work from the paintings to the t-shirts to the design practice comes down to me. Glad you dug what you saw enough to post about it. I look forward to digging deeper into your blog.

