manuel larino
Illustration* Manuel Larino nos cuenta: "Nací en España y estudié en el Ringling College of Art and Design en Florida, EEUU, donde me gradué con un BFA con honores.
Desde entonces he estado creando arte para revistas, publicidad, editoriales, periódicos, posters, discos, exposiciones, etc."
Y nosotros hemos caído rendidos ante su trabajo, su uso del color, su elegante y limpísimo estilo...
* Manuel Larino said: "I was Born in Spain and Educated at the Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida, where I earned my BFA with honors.
Since then I have been creating art for magazines, advertising, publishing, newspapers, posters, cd covers, art shows etc."
And we fell in love with his work, his use of colour, his ellegant and clean style...