* El tipo de web y trabajos que me encantan... OK es Oliver Knight. RM es Rory Mcgrath. OK-RM son Oliver Knight y Rory Mcgrath. OK-RM son un estudio de dos magníficos diseñadores gráficos de Londres y New York que trabajan sobre todo en proyectos culturales diseñando identidades, folletos, posters y webs. Brillantes. Web de la semana.
* A kind of web and works a like the most... the kind of design I love... OK is Oliver Knight. RM is Rory Mcgrath. OK-RM is Oliver Knight and Rory Mcgrath. OK-RM are a collaborative partnership based in London and New York working on projects for clients mostly in the cultural sector designing identities, books, publications, events, exhibitions and websites. Brilliant, brilliant. Site of the week!
What's your opinion, dude.