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james white


* El increíble, elegante, preciso, inteligente y precioso trabajo de el señor: James White tambien conocido como Signalnoise.

Con calidad a raudales e influencias como genios de la talla de: Dave McKean, Joshua Davis, Sheppard Fairey, Bill Watterson, Mark Rothko, Ian Miller, Georges Braque.

Y tambien con una estupenda galería en flickr

* The incredible, ellegant, smart and geometrical work of mr: James White also know as Signalnoise.

With lots of quallity and as he says, influences like: Dave McKean, Joshua Davis, Sheppard Fairey, Bill Watterson, Mark Rothko, Ian Miller, Georges Braque.

And also with a nice and superb flickr gallery

What's your opinion, dude.
Efectivamente, limpio, inmaculado, geométrico, constructivista, bello, elegante....