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v/m buildings


* VM houses son dos bloques de viviendas formadas por las letras V y M. Partiendo desde un cuadrado, esta geometria es dividida en dos bloques generando en el nivel 0 del proyecto, un parque publico el cual conecta dos zonas de la ciudad, q son bordeadas por canales. Los dos bloques se quiebran en distintas direcciones en orden de generar una unica dispersion de la luz, vistas y privacidad. Via

PD. Ayer estuve enfermito y parece ser que el blog se contagió, un ataque agudo de SPAM... es que somos muchos... Mis disculpas...

* VM housesare two blocks with the V & M shape. The start point was a square, and since this form, this geometry was divided in two portions wich generates the level 0 of the project, a public park that connects 2 zones of the city near the cannals.

The two blocks broke in different ways in order to generate only one direction for the light, the views and privacity. Via

PD. Yesterday I was sick, and the blog too. It was a terrible SPAM attack due there are so many visitors!! Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience...

What's your opinion, dude.