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stina persson


* Cuando uno por mucho que quiera, es un auténtico manazas con la acuarela es cuando más alucina con gente como Stina Persson ha vivido, estudiado y trabajado en Tokio, New York, Florencia o Lund, en Suecia, donde ella nació. She says her illustration style is basically about "finding the right balance between the edgy and the elegant the raw and the beautiful." To achieve this, she uses ink, watercolor and gouache, as well as Mexican cut paper (used at ceremonies and festivals). Recent projects include the poster for the musical Billy Elliott, the cover for the magazine Flaunt and a summer campaign for Absolut. She is featured in Laird Borelli’s new book "Fashion Illustration Next", Pao & Paw’s “Clin D’Oiel” as well as the Italian book “Fashionize” by Delicatessen. Stina now lives and works in Stockholm with her journalist husband and son Astor.

* Stina Persson has lived, studied and worked in Tokyo, New York, Florence and Lund, Sweden, where she was born. She says her illustration style is basically about "finding the right balance between the edgy and the elegant the raw and the beautiful." To achieve this, she uses ink, watercolor and gouache, as well as Mexican cut paper (used at ceremonies and festivals). Recent projects include the poster for the musical Billy Elliott, the cover for the magazine Flaunt and a summer campaign for Absolut. She is featured in Laird Borelli’s new book "Fashion Illustration Next", Pao & Paw’s “Clin D’Oiel” as well as the Italian book “Fashionize” by Delicatessen. Stina now lives and works in Stockholm with her journalist husband and son Astor.

What's your opinion, dude.
Hola evaseé, soy diseñador gráficod e chiapas espero puedas ayudarme con una duda respecto a esta chica, que es bena con la acuarela, entré a su sitio y en un apartado: photo incorporated, hay unas fotografias, pero estás está intervenidas con manchas de acuarela, mi pregunta es cómo hizo para hacer eso? hizo el montaje en photoshop? o le aplicó acuarela a las fotos directamente? porfavor ayudame con esa dura me urge, evasée, tú que todo lo sabes, saludos desde méxico.
Buenos días Gil, La verdad es qe no se todo (que más quisiera... aunque de ser así, la vida sería más aburrida...)... pero echando un vistazo a las estupendas fotos de la srta. Stina, yo creo que está escaneando acuarela real... y aplicándola mediante Photoshop a las fotos. Usando tambien los modos de capa (transparencia, multiplicar, etc...) Pero es una impresión mía...
